Hetronic South Africa’s Multiple Frequency Sharing H-Link (MFSHL) receivers deliver cutting-edge capabilities that set us apart from the competition. With MFSHL technology, up to 20 transmitter and receiver systems can operate simultaneously in close proximity while sharing the same frequency. This innovation eliminates the challenges of frequency management for industrial equipment operators, ensuring seamless performance with uncompromised safety and reliability. The MFSHL receiver range is available in both DC and AC powered options, offering versatile solutions for diverse operational needs.

Like the remainder of Hetronic products, the MFSHL series serves a broad variety of applications such as:
Chain hoists
Small overhead cranes
Conveyor systems
Hook loaders
Concrete mixers
Tow trucks
Many other types of machinery.
MFSHL series receivers are fully compatible with Hetronic’s versatile MFSHL Series Transmitters. These include the ERGO MFSHL, POCKET MFSHL and HH MFSHL series.